Gardening Tips
Welcome to our page where we will feature various gardening tips from our society members and other groups in our hardiness growing zone. Please enjoy!
This video features how to successfully overwinter your geraniums. Many of our members found this instructional and useful for their own gardening.
Facts in Five
Presented by Member at October 2024 Meeting
Take cuttings from your coleus, geraniums, sweet potato vines or begonia.
Strip most of the leaves down to the top 2 to 4 leaves and keep 1 to 2 leaf nodes bare.​
Wash this cutting in a sink with Dawn detergent to get rid of bugs.
Put cuttings in a pot of damp Promix up to the leaves, covering the bare leaf nodes. Keep Promix moist until you have roots. You will see signs of new growth. Coleus takes approximately 10 days to root and geraniums could take up to a month.
After a month your cuttings should be increasing in size.
Repot your cutting into a larger pot and overwinter in a sunny window. Fertilize through the winter. Beginning of April next year, you will make cuttings from these large pots for your garden next year.
Growing Canna Lilies from Seed:
Collect the ripe seed pods from your canna lilies this Fall. They should be brown and papery. Black seeds should be inside.
Start in March next year. Using 60 grit sandpaper, sand off a spot from the outer hard shell until you reach the inner part of the seed.​
Put this sanded seed in a glass of water to soak.
After approximately a week the seed will start to swell up and a small root will emerge.
Plant this seed into damp Promix and put in a sunny, warm window. If your house is on the cool side, you might need to use a heat mat. After approximately a week it will start growing leaves.
This is a picture of my Canna lily in September grown from one seed in March.